Matthias Rath

Matthias Rath (born 1955 in Stuttgart, Germany) claims to be a doctor,[1] and is a businessman and vitamin entrepreneur.[2][3][4][5] He claims that he earned his MD degree in Germany.[6] Rath claims that a program of nutritional supplements (which he calls "cellular medicine"), including formulations that he sells, can treat or cure diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and HIV/AIDS.[7][8] These claims are not supported by any reliable medical research.[9][10] Rath runs the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, has been closely associated with Health Now, Inc.,[11] and founded the Dr. Rath Research Institute.

The Sunday Times (Johannesburg) has described Rath as an "international campaigner for the use of natural remedies" whose "theories on the treatment of cancer have been rejected by health authorities all over the world."[12] On HIV/AIDS, Rath has disparaged the pharmaceutical industry and denounced antiretroviral medication as toxic and dangerous, while claiming that his vitamin pills could reverse the course of AIDS. As a result, Rath has been accused of "potentially endangering thousands of lives" in South Africa, a country with a massive AIDS epidemic where Rath was active in the mid-2000s.[1] The head of Médecins Sans Frontières said "This guy is killing people by luring them with unrecognised treatment without any scientific evidence"; Rath attempted to sue him.[9][13][10]

Rath's claims and methods have been widely criticized by medical organizations, AIDS-activist groups, and the United Nations, among others.[4][5][14][15] Former South African President Thabo Mbeki and former Minister of Health Manto Tshabalala-Msimang have also been criticized by the medical and AIDS-activist community for their perceived support for Rath's claims.[14][16][17] According to doctors with Médecins Sans Frontières,[18] the Treatment Action Campaign (a South African AIDS-activist group)[19] and a former Rath colleague,[20] unauthorized clinical trials run by Rath and his associates, using vitamins as therapy for HIV, resulted in deaths of some participants. In 2008, the Cape High Court found the trials unlawful, banned Rath and his foundation from conducting unauthorized clinical trials and from advertising their products, and instructed the South African Health Department to fully investigate Rath's vitamin trials.[19][21] In 2008, Rath expanded his advertising to Russia, a country where the incidence of HIV/AIDS has been increasing.[1]



Rath claims to have studied at the Hamburg University Medical School in Germany[22] After graduating from Hamburg, Rath states that he began researching arteriosclerosis at the University Clinic of Hamburg. He subsequently joined two-time Nobel Prize laureate Linus Pauling at his research institute in California.[22] Ultimately, Rath had a falling-out with the Linus Pauling Institute; after a series of lawsuits and countersuits, Rath was ordered in 1994 to pay the Institute $75,000 and was assigned several patents.[6] Rath subsequently developed his own branded nutrient products, set up the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and Dr. Rath Research Institute, and funds nutrition research with patent development in what he calls "Cellular Medicine".

Rath has offices in California, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and South Africa (Cape Town). His foundation also advertises its products in Spain, France, and Russia.[1][23] According to Eversheds, Rath's solicitor, the Dr. Rath Health Foundation is "a not-for-profit body which conducts research into science-based natural therapies,"[24] but the foundation is estimated to have earned "millions" through nutritional supplement sales.[18]

Claimed discoveries

Cardiovascular disease

In a self-published book, Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks...But People Do, Rath claims to have discovered through comparative studies that animals with the ability to synthesise vitamin C do not suffer heart attacks. Humans do not have this ability, and thus need to obtain vitamin C from a balanced diet. Rath advocates increased intake of vitamin C to prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.[25][26] In 1990, Rath and Linus Pauling proposed that vitamin C deficiency in Western diets causes microscopic lesions in the artery walls, which instead of being repaired are filled up with fats. These deposits, according to the hypothesis, later harden through dystrophic calcification, leading to typical symptoms of high blood pressure (reduced artery wall elasticity) and heart disease complications.[27] Rath also believes that arrhythmias are primarily caused by nutritional deficiencies and can be prevented by optimizing the intake of such nutrients as vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, magnesium and vitamin B complex.[28]


Rath claims to have discovered that high-dose nutritional supplements can block the spread of cancer cells in laboratory conditions (called metastasis when it occurs in the body). He argues that the growth and metastasis of cancer are facilitated when the balance between mechanisms breaking down and building the connective tissue shifts towards breakdown. He points out that the body makes widespread use of these mechanisms during normal (physiological) conditions, e.g. a) during ovulation, when egg cells migrate from the ovary to the fallopian tube; b) during the restructuring of the uterus and the breast in pregnancy and lactation, when huge amounts of tissue have to be remodelled; c) during infections when white blood cells (leucocytes) migrate through the tissue to the site of infection.[29] He argues that in case of cancer, normal control of these mechanisms fails and the tissue degradation continues uncontrolled.

Rath claims that the uncontrolled release of degrading enzymes in cancer can be blocked by the natural amino acid lysine. He says that a high daily intake of lysine – in particular in combination with vitamin C – can block cancer cells from spreading.

Rath has published a series of articles claiming in vitro evidence that supplements can slow the spread of more than 30 cultured, immortalized cell lines derived from human cancers. These studies, Rath claims, have also identified in vitro synergism between lysine, polyphenols present in green tea extracts like EGCG and other micronutrients.[30] Organized in vivo clinical studies using this new approach to cancer have not been published. An independent review of Rath's claims by the Swiss Study Group for Complementary and Alternative Methods in Cancer (SCAC) in 2004 found "no proof that the vitamin preparations of Dr. Matthias Rath have any effect on human cancer" and advised against their use.[31]

Immune deficiencies

Rath and his research team advocate the use of micronutrients to improve the immune response against infections and help fight immune deficiencies. Rath and his colleagues report that chicks infected with avian flu and given a mixture of micronutrients develop audible pulmonary symptoms later than control animals.[32]

In a special feature article published in the 2007 Commonwealth Health Ministers Book, Rath and colleagues claim that "studies conducted with both single and multiple nutritional supplements have shown that micronutrients act to control HIV infection and AIDS in three specific ways, which include: (i) suppression of virus multiplication and spread; (ii) restoration of cell-mediated immune responses and (iii) slowing the rate of AIDS progression and reducing the severity of AIDS-defining and disease-related symptoms."[33]

International politics

According to Rath, events of the last century in the international arena have been driven by pharmaceutical and oil companies. Rath claims that World War II was started and exploited by these interests.[1] In court filings, Rath and his lawyers write that the pharmaceutical industry then started apartheid in South Africa as part of a global conspiracy to "conquer and control the entire African continent." Former Nazi officials and the German chemical company IG Farben are specifically mentioned as playing a central role in the alleged conspiracy. In these documents, Rath also compares his adversaries in court to Hitler's storm troopers.[34]

Rath suggests that the pharmaceutical industry continues to control international politics today, allowing 9/11 to occur and starting the Iraq War to divert attention from what Rath considers the failures of drug companies.[20] On his website, Rath states that United States President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, at the behest of what Rath calls the "pharmaceutical cartel", were planning a nuclear war in advance of the 4 November 2008 elections in the United States. Similar claims are made by Rath in the New York Times and other major newspapers around the world in the form of large advertisements reportedly designed to resemble newspaper editorials.[6]


In 2001, Rath was presented the Bulwark of Liberty Award by the health freedom advocacy groups the American Preventive Medical Association and the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine.[35]


Rath's theories, claims, and research, particularly his efforts to persuade South Africans to use his vitamin supplements to treat HIV/AIDS, have been controversial.[4][5][36][37]

Illegal AIDS trials in South Africa

In 2005, according to Reuters, Rath's foundation distributed tens of thousands of pamphlets in poor black South African townships, such as Khayelitsha, claiming that HIV medication was "poison" and urging HIV-positive people instead to use vitamins such as those Rath sells to treat HIV/AIDS.[38][39] People with "advanced AIDS" were then recruited by the Rath Foundation and its surrogates for what the Rath Foundation called "a clinical pilot study in HIVpositive [sic] patients"[40] Personnel of the South Africa National Civic Organisation (Sanco) administered the programme in Khayelitsha as "agents for the Rath foundation."[40]

Patients were recruited for the study with offers of money or food,[40] and were instructed to stop taking conventional HIV/AIDS medications.[1] Luthando Nogcinisa, a local Communist Party official, said that Rath agents recruited known HIV-positive individuals, "often with a pack of groceries, and they encourage the person not to take the antiretrovirals, but to rather take the vitamins".[40] Mike Waters, Democratic Alliance health spokesperson, states that Rath gave patients "food parcels to convince them to give up their antiretrovirals and take his vitamin C supplements instead."[41]

Rath Foundation employees reportedly infiltrated HIV/AIDS clinics in Khayelitsha and paid clinic staff to provide them with names of patients.[20] The Guardian described a case in which a pregnant woman newly diagnosed with HIV was visited at home by Rath Health Foundation employees and convinced to stop taking her antiretroviral medication in favor of Rath's vitamins; she died 3 months later.[42] The Rath Foundation disputed that patients were asked to stop taking effective antiviral medication. Rath's lawyers also claimed that the trial was actually a "community nutrition programme" to which Rath contributed vitamins.[43]

Five trial participants stated in sworn affidavits that they were stripped to their underwear, photographed, and had blood drawn without their permission. They were told to take pills containing what were said to be high doses of vitamins, including Rath's VitaCell. Demetre Labadarios, who leads the Human Nutrition programme at Stellenbosch University, questioned the safety of administering high doses of supplements to already-sick patients.[40]

During and immediately following the vitamin trials, "many people died,"[44] deaths attributed by Rath's adversaries to a lack of effective medication.[45] Sanco-Rath clinic workers reportedly instructed patients to return to the clinic in the event of medical emergency, rather than going to hospital.[44]

The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) and the South African Medical Association (SAMA) took the Rath Foundation to court to prevent further unauthorized trials and to stop the foundation's claims that vitamins could treat or cure HIV/AIDS. Rath's lawyer however said that he had never claimed his vitamin products were a cure for HIV/AIDS, adding that Rath's only involvement in the affair was the donation of vitamins to the South African National Civics Organisation.[46] TAC and SAMA prevailed in court over Rath and the Medicines Control Council on unauthorized trials and advertising of Rath's nutrients as a replacement therapy for HIV.[19]

In September, 2008, Rath was ordered to pay court costs in an unsuccessful libel action against The Guardian (UK) after the paper reported on his foundation's unauthorized drug trials in South Africa.[1]

Efficacy and marketing claims


In 2004, the Swiss Study Group for Complementary and Alternative Methods in Cancer (SKAK), an independent group which evaluates alternative medical treatments, examined Rath's vitamin preparations and the marketing claims made by Rath.[31] The Study Group reported that they "found no proof that the vitamin preparations of Dr. Matthias Rath have any effect on human cancer" and "advise against their use in cancer prevention and treatment while recommending a diet rich in fruit and vegetables."[31] Specifically, the Swiss Study Group report criticized Rath for:

The conclusion of the Swiss Study Group regarding Rath's vitamin formulations was:

A cancer-curing effect has not been documented for any of these substances. Nor is there any proof that the preparations sold by Matthias Rath, some with high dosages, are useful in cancer prevention – leave alone curing cancer. Rath still owes proof regarding the correctness of his claims. Proof of effect cannot be provided by analogy with in vitro, animal or cell experiments. Because there is no proof for effect nor for the harmlessness of the preparations, SKAK advises against their use.[31]

Harvard multivitamin study

To support the use of multivitamins in HIV/AIDS, Rath has cited a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, published in the New England Journal of Medicine,[49] suggesting that multivitamin supplementation slows the progression of HIV to AIDS.[50]

In May 2005, the study authors released a statement condemning Rath's "irresponsible and misleading statements, as in our view they deliberately misinterpret findings from our studies to advocate against the scale-up of antiretroviral therapy."[51] The study authors felt that Rath had misused their study results to argue that multivitamins should be used in place of antiretroviral medication. In their statement, the study authors affirmed the central role of antiretroviral medication in the treatment of AIDS, and indicated that multivitamins should be, at most, a supplementary treatment.[51]

Use of published medical literature

A 1998 article in the British Medical Journal examined some of the claims made by Rath and Health Now in support of Rath's multivitamin supplement blend.[11] The authors found that Rath listed 40 citations to support his product; however, on examination, only 8 of these citations were of actual clinical trials. After examining these clinical trials, the authors concluded that despite Rath's claims to the contrary, "no general clinical benefit of vitamins C and E and carotene can be proved from the works cited by Health Now."[11]

Claims of WHO and UN support

Rath's advertising material has suggested that his nutritional supplements are superior to antiretroviral therapy in the treatment of HIV/AIDS and implied that his claims were endorsed by the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and UNAIDS. However, these agencies issued a joint statement condemning Rath's advertisements as "wrong and misleading".[52][15][53]



The Democratic Alliance (DA), official opposition party in South Africa, said Rath was representing himself as a medical doctor in his literature distributed in South Africa, and claimed that this was against the law since he was not registered as a doctor in South Africa. The DA filed complaints with the Health Professions Council of South Africa and the police. The Health Professions Council said it could not discipline Rath since its jurisdiction is restricted to registered doctors.[54]

A lawyer representing Rath responded to the complaints by stating that the title 'Dr.' referred in Rath's case to "a PHD doctorate he had obtained and his position as a researcher, not a medical doctor."[55][56]

Other sources, however, describe Rath as a "qualified doctor"[1] and state that he "became a researcher first at the University Clinic in Hamburg and then, during 1989 and 1990, at the Berlin Heart Centre."[6]

South African Council of Churches

To address the "confusion" created by Rath's advertising campaign, the South African Council of Churches issued a statement that Rath's activities in South Africa "can only be interpreted as misguided strategies to promote Rath's own brand of nutritional supplements." The Council affirmed the importance of both antiretroviral medication and good nutrition for people with HIV, and pointed out that multivitamins are distributed by public health services and need not be obtained from Rath's organization.[57]

Legal cases

Rath has been involved in a number of legal cases.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i Fall of the vitamin doctor: Matthias Rath drops libel action, by Sarah Boseley. The Guardian, UK, 12 September 2008. Accessed 12 September 2008
  2. ^ S Africa bans Aids vitamin trials BBC News, UK. Published June 13, 2008. Accessed September 10, 2008.
  3. ^ BMJ pays out to doctor over 'child death' story. Press Gazette magazine. Published June 5, 2007. Accessed September 10, 2008.
  4. ^ a b c The Denialists: The dangerous attacks on the consensus about H.I.V. and AIDS, by Michael Specter. Published in The New Yorker on March 12, 2007. Accessed April 16, 2007.
  5. ^ a b c "Denying science". Nat. Med. 12 (4): 369. 2006. doi:10.1038/nm0406-369. PMID 16598265. 
  6. ^ a b c d A global business built on vitamins - and the claim to kill all disease, by Sarah Bosely. Published in The Guardian on 12 September 2008; accessed 16 September 2008.
  7. ^ Articles coauthored by Rath on these topics include:
    • Ivanov V, Ivanova S, Roomi MW, Kalinovsky T, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M (November 2007). "Extracellular matrix-mediated control of aortic smooth muscle cell growth and migration by a combination of ascorbic acid, lysine, proline, and catechins". J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 50 (5): 541–7. doi:10.1097/FJC.0b013e318145148e. PMID 18030064. 
    • Ivanov V, Roomi MW, Kalinovsky T, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M (March 2007). "Anti-atherogenic effects of a mixture of ascorbic acid, lysine, proline, arginine, cysteine, and green tea phenolics in human aortic smooth muscle cells". J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 49 (3): 140–5. doi:10.1097/FJC.0b013e3180308489. PMID 17414225. 
    • Ivanov V, Ivanova S, Roomi MW, Kalinovsky T, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M (2007). "Naturally produced extracellular matrix inhibits growth rate and invasiveness of human osteosarcoma cancer cells". Med. Oncol. 24 (2): 209–17. doi:10.1007/BF02698042. PMID 17848746. 
    • Roomi MW, Roomi N, Ivanov V, Kalinovsky T, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M (2006). "Inhibition of pulmonary metastasis of melanoma b16fo cells in C57BL/6 mice by a nutrient mixture consisting of ascorbic Acid, lysine, proline, arginine, and green tea extract". Exp. Lung Res. 32 (10): 517–30. doi:10.1080/01902140601098552. PMID 17169857. 
    • Role of micronutrients in the control of HIV and AIDS. Commonwealth Health Ministers Book 2007, pages 187-189. Published by Henley Media Group Ltd in association with the Commonwealth Secretariat.
  8. ^ a b Matthias Rath's ads 'reckless in the extreme', by Elvira van Noort. Published in the Mail & Guardian on August 30, 2005; accessed May 9, 2008.
  9. ^ a b Goldacre (2008). Bad Science. 4th Estate. pp. 181–197. ISBN 978-0-00-728487-0. 
  10. ^ a b "SA health minister urged to stop vitamin-peddling doctor : The Lancet". Retrieved 2011-01-02. 
  11. ^ a b c Tröger U, Meyer F (1998). "Validity of advertising claims for multivitamin preparation Vitacor 20/90 on the internet". BMJ 317 (7165): 1069–71. PMC 1114069. PMID 9774300.  - article also available online in its entirety.
  12. ^ Dissidents take their crusade to the streets, By Rowan Philip and Edwin Lombard. Published in the Sunday Times (Johannesburg) on November 30, 2004; accessed May 9, 2008.
  13. ^ "Wired UK magazine reports on the activities of Mathias Rath, who believes vitamins can cure HIV (Wired UK)". Retrieved 2011-01-02. 
  14. ^ a b Kapp C (November 2005). "SA health minister urged to stop vitamin-peddling doctor". Lancet 366 (9500): 1837–8. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)67739-2. PMID 16315355. 
  15. ^ a b U.N. slams AIDS 'dissident' for attack on drugs, by Stephanie Nebehay. Published by Reuters on May 12, 2005; accessed May 9, 2008
  16. ^ 'Minister defends vitamin guru’s views on AIDS, nutrition’ Business Day newspaper, South Africa. Published April 13, 2005. Accessed June 3, 2008.
  17. ^ TAC calls for Manto’s head over Rath. Published June 13, 2008; accessed June 20, 2008.
  18. ^ a b 'Matthias Rath: Denouncer of modern medicine.' S. Boseley, The Guardian, 12 September 2008; accessed 12 September 2008.
  19. ^ a b c South Africa: TAC prevails over Rath. PlusNews Global, 13 June 2008. Accessed 15 June 2008.
  20. ^ a b c No drugs, just take vitamins: the dangerous advice to cure HIV, by Chris McGreal. Published in The Guardian on 15 September 2008; accessed 16 September 2008.
  21. ^ South African court bans AIDS vitamin trials. Published by Reuters on June 13, 2008; accessed June 20, 2008.
  22. ^ a b Natural health in Africa. African Decisions magazine. Issue 3/2004. Pages 26-28.
  23. ^ "Discredited doctor's 'cure' for Aids ignites life-and-death struggle in South Africa", by Sarah Boseley. Published in The Guardian on May 14, 2005.
  24. ^ 'BMJ pays out to doctor over 'child death' story.’ Press Gazette magazine. Published June 5, 2007. Accessed April 8, 2008.
  25. ^ Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks... but People Do. Fourth Revised Edition. Published 2003. Accessed March 25, 2008.
  26. ^ Atherosclerosis, Heart Attack and Stroke, MR Publishing, 2003
  27. ^ M. Rath and L. Pauling, 'Hypothesis: Lipoprotein(a) is a surrogate for ascorbate.’ Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. Vol. 87, pp. 6204-6207, August 1990. Published 1990. Accessed March 25, 2008.
  28. ^ When the beat isn’t right The North Island Midweek newspaper. Published February 23, 2009. Accessed March 2, 2009.
  29. ^ "Plasmin-Induced Proteolysis and the role of Apoprotein(a), Lysine and Synthetic Lysine Analogs" (pdf). Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 7 (1): 17–23. 1992. 
  30. ^ Rath's co-authored papers on in vitro anti-cancer effects of supplements include:
    • Roomi MW, Ivanov V, Kalinovsky T, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M (2004). "Anti-tumor effect of ascorbic acid, lysine, proline, arginine, and epigallocatechin gallate on prostate cancer cell lines PC-3, LNCaP, and DU145". Res. Commun. Mol. Pathol. Pharmacol. 115-116: 251–64. PMID 17564322. 
    • Roomi MW, Ivanov V, Kalinovsky T, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M (April 2006). "Antitumor effect of ascorbic acid, lysine, proline, arginine, and green tea extract on bladder cancer cell line T-24". Int. J. Urol. 13 (4): 415–9. doi:10.1111/j.1442-2042.2006.01309.x. PMID 16734861. 
    • Roomi MW, Ivanov V, Kalinovsky T, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M (April 2006). "Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase-2 secretion and invasion by human ovarian cancer cell line SK-OV-3 with lysine, proline, arginine, ascorbic acid and green tea extract". J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res. 32 (2): 148–54. doi:10.1111/j.1447-0756.2006.00389.x. PMID 16594917. 
    • Roomi MW, Roomi N, Ivanov V, Kalinovsky T, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M (October 2005). "Inhibitory effect of a mixture containing ascorbic acid, lysine, proline and green tea extract on critical parameters in angiogenesis". Oncol. Rep. 14 (4): 807–15. PMID 16142336. 
    • Roomi MW, Ivanov V, Kalinovsky T, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M (2005). "In vitro and in vivo antitumorigenic activity of a mixture of lysine, proline, ascorbic acid, and green tea extract on human breast cancer lines MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7". Med. Oncol. 22 (2): 129–38. doi:10.1385/MO:22:2:129. PMID 15965275. 
    • Roomi MW, Ivanov V, Kalinovsky T, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M (2005). "Antitumor effect of a combination of lysine, proline, arginine, ascorbic acid, and green tea extract on pancreatic cancer cell line MIA PaCa-2". Int J Gastrointest Cancer 35 (2): 97–102. doi:10.1385/IJGC:35:2:097. PMID 15879623. 
  31. ^ a b c d Report from the Swiss Study Group on Complementary and Alternative Methods in Cancer, stating that there is no evidence that Rath's treatments are effective. Accessed 21 Sept 2006.
  32. ^ 'Holistic efficacy of specific nutrient synergy against avian flu virus: pathology and immunomodulation.’ Veterinaria Italiana, 43 (1), 43-54. Published 2007. Accessed April 4, 2008.
  33. ^ Role of micronutrients in the control of HIV and AIDS. Commonwealth Health Ministers Book 2007, pages 187-189. Published by Henley Media Group Ltd in association with the Commonwealth Secretariat.
  34. ^ 'Apartheid a pharmaceutical plot-Rath' IOL-South Africa, 10 May 2007. Accessed 8 September 2008.
  35. ^ Health Products Business magazine Published July 1, 2001. Accessed September 3, 2008.
  36. ^ A New All-time Low, by Ben Goldacre. Published in "Bad Science" in The Guardian on January 20, 2007. Accessed April 16, 2007.
  37. ^ Death by Denial, from The New Republic. Published March 12, 2007. Accessed April 16, 2007.
  38. ^ SOUTH AFRICA: South African Activists Take On AIDS 'Dissident', by Gordon Bell. Published by Reuters on April 19, 2005; accessed May 9, 2008.
  39. ^ Pamphlets confusing AIDS sufferers, says TAC. By Babalo Ndenze; published February 24, 2005, accessed July 31, 2008.
  40. ^ a b c d e HIV patients in illegal vitamin trial A. Thom, K. Bodibe, Sunday Times (Johannesburg), 04 September 2005. Accessed 11 September 2008.
  41. ^ Mail & Guardian Cape Town, SA, 13 July 2007. Accessed 10 September 2008.
  42. ^ Matthias Rath: The human cost, by Charlotte Rowles, Michael Tait, and Joe McAllister. Published 12 September 2008; accessed 16 September 2008.
  43. ^ Rath vitamins are 'a help, not a cure' IOL, March 13, 2008. Accessed 11 September 2008.
  44. ^ a b Manto's muti policy A. Thom, South Africa Independent Online, 20 August 2008. Accessed 10 September 2008.
  45. ^ People die taking Rath's products IOL, 12 March 2008. Accessed 10 September 2008.
  46. ^ Lawyer denies Rath's vitamins 'cure Aids' Mail & Guardian, South Africa. Published March 13, 2008. Accessed December 11, 2008.
  47. ^ Rath, M.: Durchbruch der Zellforschung im Kampf gegen den Krebs. 3d ed. 2002, MR Publishing B.V., Almelo, NL
  48. ^ Rath, M.: Cellular health Series – Cancer. 2/2001, MR Publishing, Sta. Clara, CA 95054
  49. ^ Fawzi W, Msamanga G, Spiegelman D, Wei R, Kapiga S, Villamor E, Mwakagile D, Mugusi F, Hertzmark E, Essex M, Hunter D (2004). "A randomized trial of multivitamin supplements and HIV disease progression and mortality". N Engl J Med 351 (1): 23–32. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa040541. PMID 15229304. 
  50. ^ Dr. Rath's website, citing the New England Journal of Medicine study among others. Accessed 20 Sept 2006.
  51. ^ a b Statement from the authors of the Harvard School of Public Health study, stating that Rath has misused their study results. Accessed 20 Sept 2006.
  52. ^ "UN condemns irresponsible attack on antiretroviral therapy". WHO, UNICEF, and UNAIDS. 2005-03-30. Retrieved 2011-01-15. 
  53. ^ Watson J (2005). "Vitamin guru provokes wRath of scientists, activists". Nat Med 11 (6): 581. doi:10.1038/nm0605-581a. PMID 15937452. 
  54. ^ 'Health council says it cannot stop Rath' South African Press Association, 12 July 2007. Accessed 10 September 2008.
  55. ^ 'Rath "not claiming to be a Dr."' South Africa News 24, 13 July 2007. Accessed 08 September 2008.
  56. ^ 'Rath "misrepresenting himself"-DA IOL South Africa, 28 July 2007. Accessed 08 September 2008.
  57. ^ "Don't Be Confused by Unproven Medical Claims, SACC warns". Statement by the South African Council of Churches, issued April 18, 2005. Accessed March 9, 2007.
  58. ^ a b c d e "Quackery quashed, but Rath's legacy lives" Donaldson A and Huisman B, The Times, SA, 14 June 2008 Accessed 16 June 2008.
  59. ^ Press release describing Dutch court decision against Dr. Rath for defamation, accessed 19 Sept 2006.
  60. ^ Ruling by the British Advertising Standards Association against Matthias Rath for false and misleading advertising, accessed 19 Sept 2006.
  61. ^ Letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warning Dr. Rath that his marketing campaign is in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Accessed 19 Sept 2006.
  62. ^ Rulings against Matthias Rath for false and misleading advertising by the Advertising Standards Association of South Africa, accessed 19 Sept 2006.
  63. ^ Judgement of the High Court of South Africa ordering Rath to cease making defamatory and unfounded allegations against the Treatment Action Campaign. Accessed 19 Sept 2006.
  64. ^ Dr Matthias Rath: an apology. British Medical Journal, 23 September 2006. Accessed January 2007.
  65. ^ News in Brief, from the British Medical Journal, 2007;334:656 (31 March).
  66. ^ 'BMJ pays out to doctor over 'child death' story.’ Press Gazette magazine. Published June 5, 2007. Accessed April 10, 2008.
  67. ^ Hamburger Morgenpost, 10 October 2006, Vitamin-Arzt Rath muss 33000 Euro zahlen
  68. ^ Judgement of German Federal Constitutional Court of July 12, 2007, no. 1 BvR 2041/02. Published 2007. Accessed April 16, 2008.
  69. ^ IOL News for South Africa and the World
  70. ^ Goldacre, Ben (2007-01-20). "No way to treat an Aids hero". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 2008-07-05. 
  71. ^ 'Gambia's president may be weird, but Aids superstitions strike closer to home’ The Guardian. Published January 27, 2007. Accessed July 30, 2008.
  72. ^ 'How money is not the only barrier to Aids patients getting hold of drugs’ The Guardian. Published February 17, 2007. Accessed July 30, 2008.
  73. ^ 'Matthias Rath drops his million pound legal case against me and the Guardian' Published September 12, 2008. Accessed September 20, 2008

External links

Associated with Matthias Rath